Global Healing Centre Plant Based Liver Health

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Product Details
Global Healing Centre:

Plant Based Liver Health is an enhanced blend of powerful herbs that support detoxification and normal function of the liver and gallbladder.†

2 fluid oz

† Results may vary.

Livatrex Nutritional Information Label

What is Plant Based Liver Health?

Plant Based Liver Health is an energetically enhanced, 100% all natural blend of powerful organic and wildcrafted herbs. It's specially formulated to support normal function and detoxification of the liver and gallbladder!

Supporting your liver is a natural process designed to detoxify, flush and purge the liver of fatty deposits, built up toxins, and accumulated stones. Liver stones are formed when excess lipids crystallize into small pebble size stones.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Liver Support

  1. A healthy liver helps digestion and supports proper body weight.
  2. Promotes the elimination of liver stones.
  3. Supporting your liver helps overall body detoxification.
  4. Rejuvenates energy levels.
  5. Look and feel younger!

Health Benefits of Liver Support with Plant Based Liver Health

  • Supports digestion and elimination of toxins.
  • Helps the liver efficiently break down fats.
  • Promotes healthy lipid profiles.
  • Revitalizes energy and vitality.
  • Revitalizes memory and clarity.
  • Helps control cravings for sugar and fatty foods.
  • Purges the liver and gallbladder of stones.
  • Detoxifies fatty deposits and buildup.

What are the Top 3 Questions People ask about Livatrex?

1. What can I expect? Everyone's experience is unique but many people report that they feel better, reenergized, and detoxified. Some people have reported passing stones from their liver and gallbladder. Found in fecal matter, stones can be tiny, sand-like granules or up to the size of a quarter. Other toxic material trapped in the liver, gallbladder, and intestines may also exit the body.

2. How long will it take to cleanse my liver and gallbladder? The full liver cleanse takes 5 days to complete. Because the first will barely scratch the surface, it's recommended that you repeat the Liver Cleanse three times with a break of 5 to 10 days between each. If you do not want to perform the five day liver cleanse, using the support instructions, Plant Based Liver Health can be used by itself to support the liver and gallbladder. In order for you to achieve the same results of one 5-day liver cleanse, you will have to follow the support protocol for 3 months.

3. How will I know when my liver is clean? Results vary depending on diet, exercise patterns, age, and, physical and emotional stress levels. The liver and gallbladder are never 100% clean since their intended function is to metabolize toxic material. Most people require a minimum of three initial cleansing sessions followed by one or two maintenance cleanses per year.

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